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Our goal is simple; to produce better people through the sport of wrestling. The five pillars of the program that all
people who are part of the program are expected to follow will be: accountability, team, integrity, work ethic, and mental


First and foremost we want our wrestlers to take responsibility for their actions, whether that be on or off the mat.
This includes coming to practice every day, on time, prepared and with a positive attitude. Each wrestler has a
responsibility to notify the head coach prior to missing practice. Each and every wrestler must follow the Lindbergh
H.S. Rights/Responsibilities Handbook. This includes making academics a priority and being academically eligible, not
violating the substance use policies, (no use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco) and must be physically fit to participate.
Wrestlers will be very busy and should manage their time wisely but there must be an academic and athletic balance.
Wrestlers also have a responsibility to take care of their personal hygiene. Washing their workout clothes, taking showers
with soap after practice and disinfecting their shoes and headgear are all important elements of physical hygiene.


Secondly, our wrestlers at Lindbergh High are part of a team. As a team, we will make sacrifices for the good of
the team. We work together toward a goal as a team; we will win and lose as a team. Most importantly we will support one
another as a team. We will face many challenges and work through them as a team. If a decision is made on who will or
will not wrestle it will be done in the best interest of the team.


For some of our wrestlers on the team, the work will be toward the grand goals of winning a state championship,
and for others, it will be just to make it through the season. Whether the former or the latter it will be a group effort done
with pride and integrity.


Wrestling, more than any other sport, demands a great work ethic. There will be a purpose to our work and a
reason for the time we put in at practice. Each member of the team will be expected to give their best at practice and
during matches. This may require sacrifice by the wrestler, coach, and parent, but in the end, we will accomplish
something positive.


With the nature of wrestling being such a physical sport, we will need mental toughness and support of the people
around us to accomplish our goals with integrity. We ask our parents and friends to treat us in a positive manner and give us
strength when times are tough. Remember, your parents may watch you suffer through losses or fatigue, but it is you who
will be shouldering the burden and not them. When you seek pity, you will only get someone feeling sorry for you. If you
ask for the support you will earn their respect.


Athletics provide an opportunity to develop lessons that will last throughout life. Wrestling molds an athlete to
value discipline, to appreciate teamwork, and to develop mental fortitude. Furthermore, wrestling instills a work ethic that
will stay with the athlete for a lifetime.





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